Italian sausages and green peppers are grilled, then served over penne pasta tossed with tiny sweet tomatoes and fresh basil. Shredded Parmesan cheese...
Orzo pasta simmers with ground beef, spinach, fresh oregano, and flavorful tomatoes. Pair it with oven-toasted pita triangles and a simple salad of romaine...
Beef chuck short ribs coated in a tomato-herb paste are slow-cooked until tender, then cooked a bit longer with gnocchi in a rich tomato and beef broth...
Traditional pasta goes Tex Mex with the addition of chicken, diced tomatoes, corn, Monterey Jack cheese, and zesty PHILADELPHIA Santa Fe Blend Cooking...
In Southern Italy, the fiery red chili pepper is a staple in local cuisine. Arrabbiata, the Italian word for 'angry,' is used to describe the spicy sauce...
Fettuccine, Chicken and Beans Alfredo is a low fat, high fiber variation on the traditional theme. It has terrific flavor in a blend of cubed chicken and...
Cheddar cheese soup and Pace® Picante Sauce make a convenient flavorful sauce that clings to the corkscrew pasta. Add cooked chicken or turkey--and it's...